
Monday, March 28, 2011

Twiggy Wreath Tutorial

Twiggy Wreath Tutorial

Last year we put new windows in our attic.
Our home was built in 1950, and the old windows were original.
To others they would probably be in the trash.
Not me.  I saw some potential.

My Window was too bare.  I wanted to buy a twiggy wreath to put on it.  They are expensive!  Well for twigs anyway.  I have made grapevine wreaths, so I thought I would try my hand at the twiggy spray wreath.

What you need:

Something for your circle base.  You could use a little sampler hoop like this one.

Using the inside of the hoop only.

You will also need crafting wire, pliers and freshly cut twigs.  I got my branches off of a Snowball bush that needed trimmed.

Next, trim the desired twigs off of your branch, and connect the twigs to the circle base using your crafting wire.

*Try to cover the front of your base with the twigs.  I was re staging what I did back in the Fall and I wasn't careful enough to cover this base...sorry.*

Repeat this step and keep overlapping the twigs securing them each time.

The end result:

Go save yourself some money! 

For the Window:

~I had to remove the glass from the window carefully.

~Next, I sanded the old paint, being careful because of the lead paint that was most likely on the window.

~After sanding the window, I painted it with acrylic paint using a brush.
Pecan is the color I used.

~I let the paint dry completely before staining.   
I used Min-wax walnut color stain.
Wearing rubber gloves and being in a well ventilated area, I applied the stain with a brush and let the stain soak in for a good 2 min before wiping the stain off with a dry rag.  I like the primitive look, so I don't like to wipe off too much of the stain....esp. around the crevices.  It gives it that old look with the dark stain in them.
The more dings, the more character the stain brings out.

Thanks for visiting!  I hope you enjoyed it!


  1. You did a great job! It looks perfect!

  2. This is so cool! Following you also...Carri from Redefining C. Thanks for stopping by my blog! ;)

  3. Very clever and it looks great on the window frame!

  4. Tammy, that is so cool. Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I'm YOUR newest follower! Have a great day!

  5. This is so cute! So glad you found my blog - I'm about to be your newest follower! : )

  6. I LOVE this! Its PERFECT for you to Link up at my Linky PAR-TAY,

    Whassup Wednesday!!!

    And I have a party button you can grab so your friends can come too:)



  7. Girl, you are on a crafty roll!! :) Great work!

    Thanks for joining my Weekend Bloggy Reading party. :) Hope you'll visit me at Serenity Now again soon! :)

  8. How did I miss this one!?! Did you come up with this yourself...with the hoop? I never thought of doing it that way, but it would be MUCH easier than the very sloppy way I've tried to make them without a base!!! :) Thanks!!!

  9. you are making your best effort to have the things look best n beautiful. lovely project. Love your blog.


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