
Monday, June 11, 2012

A Father to the Fatherless

I have been thinking a lot lately about the importance of fathers in the home.

I look at my hubby.
 I know I could not have chosen a better man to be the father to my children.
He has always looked out for the family- -trying not to put work, church, or the busyness of life before his time with the family.

As my daughter has grown older, I remember being her age.

As she walks with her daddy, she has a trust I did not share.
As she yields to his embrace, she has a peace that I did not have.
As she cuddles up to her dad, I see a contentment in her heart. 
She has a bond that I did not know.
She has a father on earth that fills her heart with love, trust, and contentment.
I see it in her smile.

I, and many other girl's, missed out on the love of an earthly father.
Whether it was because we were children of a single parent, a deceased father, or maybe just the child of a father who was never around or showed us the attention and love we needed.
I found LOVE, TRUST, PEACE, and CONTENTMENT in my Heavenly Father.
The Lord has made me what I am today.
He continues to give me PEACE, JOY, and HAPPINESS as I yield to His will and walk in His ways.

A FATHER of the FATHERLESS........... is God in his holy habitation. Ps. 68:5

Yes, I can see now what God designed in a family.
I can experience, second hand, the love that a father should share with his children.
What a blessing my husband is to our children, and what an encouragement he is to me to see what a father should be.

Happy Father's Day

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post, sometimes we take these things for granted, thanks for the reminder.


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