I have a few friends that live in the country here in PA. Two of those friends would always tease me about living in the 'Big City' even though I live in a small town of about 4,000 people. This year in my front flower garden, I got quite the surprise when I noticed I was growing some corn. Now I can't take credit for growing this one stalk of corn. I am afraid I have to thank a neighborhood squirrel. He had a grand time last fall hauling a corn cob around our neighborhood. I do believe this is some fruit from his labor. My neighbor has a stalk growing in her flower garden too :)
I am loving the front flower garden with all the butterflies it brings to our home!
We are in the middle of our VBS program @ church. Praising the Lord for 5 souls that were saved so far! Two of those were parents. They now know that if they were to die today, they would have a home in heaven!