Saturday, August 24, 2013

Piles Piles Everywhere!

There are so many piles around my house right now, I am ready to pitch anything and everything.  Obviously I can't do that because all of my Junk piles are things I WILL use....I think :)  I have orders waiting to be filled, and I can't seem to get to them right now.  I have had to run around way too much lately.  I am not a gal that likes to be away from home.  I am a homebody.  

School is finally going to begin around here next week.  The books have arrived and kiddos are excited to tackle the next school year.  Usually we would be on our 4th week of school, but the Lord had other plans.  It's not every year you get to buy a new car and pray in the money for your school books!  God is so good and provided that need for us last Friday. 
I know I will be back to my projects when the kiddos are back to their routine.  I love schedules!  I think we all do in this house!  Hubby is about the most flexible person in our household, and I happen to be the least flexible.
I am ready to tear apart those pallets to rebuild this cabinet.
Do you remember this find?
It looks like an old tall kitchen cabinet that you find in many older homes around here.  Someone spray painted it a lovely silver.  Sorry for all of you silver paint lovers, but it is not my cup of tea coffee.  I have a vision for this cabinet, and I hope it comes together.
I also have signs that are ordered for some pallets too.
Busy, Busy, Busy
Hoping for a productive week!


  1. There is a lot of potential in those piles of yours! Happy Back-to-School!

  2. Hope you squeeze everything into your schedule. My youngest goes back to school in two weeks and I will get a new routine again. I am like you and don't do well with clutter around me.

  3. This Tammy is a Homebody too! Sounds like you and yours have been very busy and blessed. Great projects coming up from the looks of it. I'll be back to check it all out! -Tammy

  4. We started school this week past. Although it is with short sessions, with a focus on vocabulary and driving instruction. My sweet son is lacking a little in confidence when it comes to reading,not sure why, he does a great job. So we start our year off with stuff that reinforces his self confidence. I see your piles as finished projects! I have a few of my own. Stop by and see my latest pile transformation!I would love to have you visit. http://refreshedandrestored.blogspot.com/
    May you be richly blessed with this new season of your life. Robyn

  5. looks like a great Fall is coming your way.

  6. Whew, Girl! This back-to-school stuff is rough! Routines are so helpful! I am in limbo now, moving out of my old classroom of 9 years to a new room across the parking lot. And, we are starting a week late because they are finalizing the construction on the school. It is weird. I love the extra summer, but my internal teacher clock is confused. It keeps asking, "Aren't we supposed to be doing something?" I am looking forward to seeing what you do with your cabinet. Ewww. Silver. No, no! You'll fix it right up!

    Have a blessed Sunday!

  7. I love being at home too! Happy back-to-school week!

  8. I am a huge Homebody too! I can't wait to see that cabinet finished and what your plans are . We are big on schedules in our home too. I think it keeps order without a doubt. Good luck!



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