Tuesday, July 23, 2013

What's Happening Now?

"Guess who's Popular?"
I am beginning to dislike that saying!  I have to renew my Photobucket account in order to get 3/4 of my blog back.  Gotta love Photobucket.  They made all kinds of changes to their site and took away a lot of things back in the Fall-Winter, so I wasn't even using their site.  I became a Pic Monkey fan.  However since most of my blog pics are already in Photobucket I still need to renew.  You think that they would be kind enough to give us an extra 2 or 3 months free since they made their site not worth using by all their changes. I know I am not the only one that had a complaint. I decided to keep paying for the bandwidth because Google Adsense on my blog pays for the renewal.  So as soon as I get paid, I will have my blog back!
Around Home......
Things have been crazy around the house.  We had our VBS last week which meant we all needed to travel down to church, that is 40 minutes away, every night.  Our van had been totaled from me hitting the deer and we couldn't drive it.  That meant squeezing 3 and a half teenagers in the back of a Chevy Cavalier every night.  That also meant no time to look for another van.  On one trip we had a cello on top of all the kiddos because we needed it for VBS. We have actually all been traveling in the Cavalier all but one day for the last 11 days. So fun times...well it will be a funny memory when we get another van.. I think.

I just thought I'd let you all know what's Happening around here.
Hoping to be back soon with some creative project and pics!


  1. I thought of you the other day - driving back fro Denver there was a huge Buck with a rack just standing beside the interstate waiting. My heart sank but he didn't come - at least not when I passed.

  2. Missing you and your projects. Exactly what is a half teenager? Please take a photo of all of you in the car with the cello! And watch out for deer:>)

  3. Anxious to watch you do one of your next projects. :)

  4. I have heard so many say they lost all their photos.. So sorry it happened to you:(

  5. Yes, Tammy, do take a pic of the cello on top of the kids in Dan;s car,

    and you will eventually have a good laugh over this adventure.

  6. Yes, Tammy, do take a picture of the kids with the cello on their laps in the back of Dan's car. Hope you find a new (?) van soon.


Thank you for your thoughts! I really enjoy hearing from my readers. If you ask a question, I will try to reply A.S.A.P.